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Carbon Minus India (CMI)
Research and Consultancy

CMI is engaged right now in 7 Research Projects with Government Of India and State Governments, Public and Private Sector Industries, UN Organizations and Intergovernmental International Organizations. These Projects are based on Primary and Secondary Data Collection, Analysis and Report Writing, with an Empirical Objective, with API Indexing or Referencing system; Which are submitted to respective Support Organizations, Sponsors or Donors and Subsequently Published in national / international Journals.,

CMI invites proposals from interested reputed Public and Private Universities, Research, Academic & Training Institutions and Scientific Laboratories of India and abroad, for necessary Research Collaborations and mutual inclusive Partnership, in our defined focus areas of work and activities.

Moreover, CMII also engages in various Consultancy Assignments, which is submitted to Support Organizations as per mutually agreed Terms and Conditions in the Format, it is required to be delivered in time.